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I wore the durable WS IIsfor four days straight, including while bushwhacking in deep, thorny forestsand while mountaineering. The tights, which cost $110, have a Gore WindstopperSoftshell on the front of the legs to provide protection from big breezes incold replica Vacheron Constantin watches climates. But the tights breathe well. My legs felt comfortable in tempsfrom about 30 to 55 degrees F on the race. Bonus: The material never ripped orsnagged.

I have had problems with tights and durability in past races, but theSalomons did not let me down.Big, cold ocean water -- in the guise of the Strait of Magellan and the Beagle Channel -- were venuesin the race. As such, our sea kayaking equipment was top end. Like all theteams, we paddled two-person Necky Amurak kayaks, comfortable and replica Patek Philippe watches stableplastic-hull boats. We were outfitted head to toe by Kokatat Watersports Wear,which leant Team GearJunkie.com demo dry suits, PFDs, skirts, gloves andbooties.

Ok, for anyone running the New York City Marathon Nov. 1, its time to back off the training a little. Actually, it was time to start backing off last week. Its now eight days until the race, and a lot of people have questions about how much training to replica watch gift do in this last week. The answer: Less, but dont cut yourself completely off. Check out the series of workouts Terrence Mahon and his crew at Run Mammoth have set up for me for these last two weeks before the race. Youll see—tapering is not just kicking back on the couch.