
I was never worried about it turning out great

Remember, Turbo is a student film — they were convincing the donors to give money just so the film could get made That's it A donation of faith "When people donate to a short film they are basically doing it out of the kindness of their hearts and pockets," Thompson points out "They will really reap no monetary benefit, so your passion truly has to replica Rolex 116200-BLSO Men's watch convince them. "With initial funds in place, shooting commenced on December 2007 For the next year plus, Conaway and his team would be hard at work on this short film

"I was never worried about it turning out great, I was just worried that it would take forever to get there," says Justin Lutsky "To be honest, I never expected this to be such an undertaking When I agreed to edit I was anticipating a several month commitment and couldn't really believe we were still working on a short film a year and a half later. "Lutsky replica Rolex Oyster 116518-BMRL Men's watch had met as contestants on a Fox filmmaker reality show called "On The Lot" in May 2007 Both were eliminated, but became fast friends

Lutsky, a young filmmaker in his own right, was asked by Conaway to cut the film "Turbo shot on the RED camera, which was fairly new at the time," says Lutsky "There were no established post production or editorial work flows established We essentially had to replica Rolex 116523-MAO Men's watch create our own work flow from scratch and had a lot to learn along the way. " Learn as you go, learn as you go. An effect-heavy film like Turbo needs effects